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Telegram Will Disclose IP Addresses and Phone Numbers of Users Violating Messenger Rules
The search functionality in Telegram stands out compared to other messaging apps because it offers users the ability to discover public channels and bots. However, this feature has unfortunately been exploited by individuals attempting to sell illegal goods, in direct violation of Telegram's Terms of Service.
💪 Over the past few weeks, a dedicated team of moderators, supported by AI technology, has taken significant steps to make Telegram Search more secure. Thanks to these efforts, all identified problematic content has been removed from the search results. Nevertheless, if you encounter any unsafe or illegal material while using Telegram Search, you are encouraged to report it to @SearchReport.
🚫 To further prevent criminal activity on the platform, Telegram has updated its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, ensuring consistency across all regions. It is now explicitly stated that the IP addresses and phone numbers of users who violate the rules can be shared with relevant authorities if valid legal requests are made.
☝️ These actions are designed to discourage criminal behavior and reinforce that Telegram Search is intended for connecting with friends and discovering news – not as a platform for illegal activities. Telegram is committed to safeguarding the integrity of its service for its nearly one billion users and will not allow bad actors to compromise this space.