армія соцмереж
армія соцмереж
Вибір мудрий - приєднатись до нас!
Ця стрічка пропонує новини та критичні ідеї,
щоб ви мали що публікувати у своїх соціальних мережах.
30/09/2024 04:26 pm
We have an distorted mind example at fundraising effort for the military
some backline creature who hasn’t witnessed death or blood and yet somehow decided that our society lacks laughter and entertainment right next to military equipment and collections for soldiers.
On official channels, a link to a fundraising campaign is being shared, and of course, we will join in supporting this initiative. However, it's impossible to stay silent when you feel the urge to vomit from what you've seen.
Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think about this? Is it a proper design choice?
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