армія соцмереж
Ти з нами - це чудово!

Ця стрічка пропонує новини та критичні ідеї,
щоб ви мали що публікувати у своїх соціальних мережах.

"Tsap Tsarap" is practically an official mandate from the president to steal.

When a country's leader legitimizes such actions on a national level, it opens the floodgates for impunity and lawlessness, which harms the entire society.

What can we say about the people when even the president on the main channel says "Tsap Tsarap"?
This level of public discourse inevitably reflects on society. It's a direct mirror of how political culture and national thinking are degrading.

They simply stole a Ukrainian photo and are passing it off as their own, and this isn't the first time. The constant appropriation of Ukrainian content has become a common practice, with no accountability in sight.

1 Коментів
03.10 07:55
Russia being russia
Будь ласка, увійдіть, щоб поділитися своїми думками на цю тему.
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